28 Mart 2010 Pazar


I can't understand why some people don't like reading?
I don't want to believe this!
I guess they don't know what kind of books they like.

Yes, eveybody know that reading is important but i want to make a list why reading important to me.

  1. Feed your brain
  2. Increase your overall culture information
  3. Change your outlook
  4. Increase your vocobulary
  5. Expand your horizons
  6. Increase our level of civilization
Reading is the easiest and most effective way of learning for people. Developed countries obtained %60 of their own information with reading.The source of the most of the problems of the underdeveloped societies is lack of education so we should win the habits of reading to children. How do?

For example;
  1. We should read and we should have a lot of book at home.
  2. We should not wait to buy book children learn to read. Children should have a library and be able to show it their friends.
  3. Children' s first book should be colorful and atractive not old.
  4. We should learn to children that there are a lot of information at booksand you can learn a lot of things with reading.

20 Mart 2010 Cumartesi

Why Smart Kids Cannot Learn ?

There is a positive relationship between intelligence and learning. But the factor that makes learning difficult to smart children is that parents and teachers always praise the intelligence of children.
  • My doughter is very smart
  • Does mischief suit to a smart kind like you?
Smart Kid X
Ege is 9 years old and too intelligence. He likes the jobs which makes the best and he always want to make these jobs. But, asking guestions in a field that is foreign to him or giving a new tasks to him make Ege reluctant. When he is a little difficult, he needs to say that i have a degree in painting lesson.

The War of Seem Intelligence
Ege is seem intelligence by his family so if he fails, he thinks that he is seem stupid by others. For this reason, he avoids difficult tasks. The reason of mentioning the degree of painting lesson is that he don't want to be seem stupid.

Image is Everything
Children who is vaunted because of their intelligence is generally less disciplined. They try to give the image of being succesfull without working. Keeping the image of intelligence is more important than learning. They are forced to ask questions.

The Difficult of Learnin New Tasks
Learning new something requires asking guestions, making trial and error. But, the smart kids avoid from new tasks.They do not take risk so they cannot develop methods to cope with failure.

What Are The Alternatives?
I think, the alternative is that families and teachers should underline the works and efforts of children, not the inteligence of children. Children should enjoy learning. A child who learnt the learning become more succesfull.

14 Mart 2010 Pazar

The Importance of Targets

On 4 July 1952,
A women 34 years old, began to swim from Catalina Island to California remaining 21 miles west of Catalina. If it was succesful, it would become the first woman. The name of this swimm
er is Florence Chadwick who, was the first women passed the both directions of Mans sea. That morning water was cold enough to numb the body and the fog was so dense that any accompanying vessels could choose. Millions of people were watching her from television. She swam 15 hours in defiance the sharks and the effect of freezing cold. Swimmer's mother and coach found in a both near the her. Although they said her that you are too close and you should continue, she wanted to remove the water.Resolute swimmer explained why she removed the water to the half mile before: If i saw the land, i could accomplish.

The past two months later, she passed the same distance and she had a record-breaking.

Florence Chadwick was one of the world's best swimmer. She needed a target to motivate herself to achive her goal.

Like this story,
While i was preparing to OSS, i could not study orderly. My adviser said me that you can paste photos of universities on your room wall. I tried. It helped me to study more willing.

The targets clarify our thought. They help us to use our energy and our time more willing. They stimulate our feelings and increase our energy. Desire and determination born in our mind. These positive signals to the brain,makes it easy to reach the goal.So we should teach the importance of targets to our students or people.

"The reason of some defeats is that people dont know how they are close to success when they leave the work at half" Thomas A. Edison said.

7 Mart 2010 Pazar

Yön vermek başka şey yönlendirmek başka şey!

"Pek çok insan gerçek kapasitesinin farkına varamıyor çünkü onlara inanan hocaları olmuyor.Aptal olduklarına ikna ediliyorlar"

"Ne istediğine karar verme şansı vermeliyiz."

"Yön vermek başka şey yönlendirmek başka şey istediği şeyi kendisi bulmak zorunda."

"Einstein'ın her şeyden vazgeçip her gece arkadaşlarıyla sarhoş olduğunu düşünsene hepimiz neler kaybederdik???... Çocukta yetenek var yalnızca gideceği yönü bilmiyor ama ona gösterebiliriz"

Psikolojik danışmanın insan üzerindeki etkilerinden birini anlatan bir film GOOD WILL HUNTING(CAN DOSTUM)...

Filmin ana karakteri Will üniversite eğitimi almamış, üniversitede hademelik yapan, Nobel ödüllü matematik profesörlerinin bile çözmekte zorlandığı soruları tek bakışında çözebilme yeteneğine sahip birisidir.Film matematik profesörünün Will'i keşfetmesi ve onu psikolojik danışmana götürmesiyle gelişen olayları anlatmaktadır.

Bu filmi izlediğimizde normal bi öğretmen ve psikolojik danışman arasındaki farklarıda görebilmekteyiz.

Matematik profesörü Will'in bu kabiliyetinden dolayı onu matematikle ilgili iş görüşmelerine zorlamaktadır.Psikolojik danışman ise Will'e ne olmak istediğine karar verme şansı vermektedir.

Psikolojik danışman olarak karşımızdaki en zor öğrencilerimizle bile iletişim kurabilmenin yollarını bulmamız gerekmektedir. Soyut cümlelerdense somut örnekler kullanarak,onları zorlamadan öğrencilerimizi muhabbet ettirebilmeliyiz.Onlara faydalı olabileceğimizi onları sıkmadan göstermeli ve bize danışabilmelerini sağlayan güveni vermeliyiz.Önemli olan öğrencilerimize doktorluk mühendislik ya da herkes tarafından kabul görmüş kararlar verdirmektense onların kararları doğrultusunda onlara iyi bir yön çizmektir.